Faculty Support for the Grad Employee Strike

We encourage all faculty to show their support for the grad employee strike by canceling or rescheduling classes or moving courses off-campus or online during the three days of the strike (April 17, 18, & 19).

For graduate seminars, we encourage faculty to discuss with class members alternative settings or adjustments to syllabi.

Please use the cancellation or changes in venue or delivery mode as an opportunity to discuss with your students the conditions of graduate employees and the administration’s refusal to communicate or bargain with the IGWC.

We are not interested in hindering the academic progress of graduate employees, including exams and research activities. 

We understand that faculty may have long-planned and single-occasion events such, as talks and invited speakers, that we do not seek to disrupt. Administrative activities and faculty meetings are not currently the target of the strike. We encourage faculty, instructors, and staff to seek alternate locations for events if they are scheduled to be held in a picketed building (Wednesday at Ballentine; Thursday at GISB; Friday at Woodburn).

The IGWC encourages visible displays of solidarity from faculty with the goal of stopping routine instructional activity, emptying classrooms, and enlarging picket lines.


Strike FAQs for Undergraduate Students


Indiana University Grad Workers Endorse Strike. Faculty To Vote “No Confidence” In President And Provost